wp1 / DC8

Evaluating the impact of prototyping, visualisation and materialisation in mediating social conflicts in transitions to carbon neutrality

Hosting institute
Doctoral candidate
The purpose of the research is to address two questions: 1. How can we credibly evaluate the effectiveness of material, public interventions in achieving the consensus of diverse local communities regarding climate change adaptation in Warsaw's urban context? 2. What are the characteristics of an effective interdisciplinary approach for enhancing democratic participation in climate change adaptation through urban interventions?
The methodology for the first question will be grounded in the program evaluation literature, which offers an established spectrum of research designs and research methods that allow for establishing and assessing the causal link between public intervention and expected positive change. The methodology for the second question is a case study of the process of making the intervention designed and tested in Warsaw. The methods are based on practitioner concepts, combining ethnographic notes, field notes from the design and evaluation process, designers-evaluators discussion sessions and workshops.
Climate-KIC (Denmark) (3 months) with mentor Dr Carolina Giraldo as well as interactions with City of Warsaw to produce initial analysis of the potential and limitations for using design approaches to mediate social conflicts relating to transitions.
City Council of Warsaw (Poland) (6 months) with a mentor to conduct data-gathering and analysis of potential and limitations for using design approaches to mediate social conflicts relating to transitions.