
Fiona Lambe

Stockholm Environment Institute, Sweden


Fiona is a Senior Research Fellow at the Stockholm Environment Institute with 20 years’ professional experience managing research and policy engagement projects and programmes in the fields of energy access, sustainable development, and behaviour change. She holds a PhD in Design, an MSc. In Development Studies and an International BA in Political Science. Fiona’s current research focuses on understanding local level (household and community) drivers of behaviour in the context of low carbon, poverty sensitive energy transitions and approaches to designing effective services and systems that are aligned with the capacities, resources and contexts of multiple stakeholders. She has also studied the socioeconomic and policy aspects of scaling energy access at the local level in East Africa and South Asia, and the linkages to global processes and structures including international development and climate policy. Fiona’s work has used service design concepts and methods to map and understand complex change processes and to support the co-design of services and service systems. She has delivered multiple projects and consultancies for clients including the World Bank, WHO, UNDP, UN Women, Sida, GIZ, DFID, Nordic Climate Facility, and the European Commission.

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