
Claudia Zampella


RMIT / Elisava


Claudia is now a Doctoral Candidate in the MSCA Co-Design for Transitions Network, working on the DC4 project “Prototyping Policy Options in Spaces for Experimentation and Learning for Urban Climate Transitions.” In the past few years, she has served as a service and learning experience designer, specializing in co-design strategies and methodologies, facilitation, and the design of educational programs within the realms of social innovation and ecology.

Claudia pursued international studies at Politecnico di Milano, Fachhochschule Hannover, and Tongji University Shanghai, focusing on Interior, Product, and Service-System Design. She has worked on capacity building for public services through design and has collaborated with organizations focused on social and digital innovation (H-Farm, Onde Alte). In addition, she has been a board member in various civic-oriented associations in Italy (Rena, Scostumat*).

Her experience spans partnerships with private companies, non-profit organizations, and the public sector to develop educational formats, collaborative experiences, and innovative projects that integrate biocentric approach and systemic design to address social challenges and promote environmental justice.

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