
The Project

CoDesign4Transitions is a four-year doctoral network (2024-28) that brings together eight universities in seven countries (Belgium, Denmark, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Spain, UK) who have recruited and supervise a cohort of 13 transdisciplinary Doctoral Candidates (DCs). 10 fellowships are funded by the Doctoral Networks scheme within the Marie Skolodwska-Curie Actions (MCSA) of the European Commission.

Also part of the project are 15 partners in business, government, and civil society organisations (CSOs) and one US university. The DCs carry out original research in relation to three research objectives, at the intersection of co-design, design for sustainability, service and systems design, democratic innovation and climate transitions. All DCs have two secondments in at least one host organisation, at least one of which is international.

DCs are employed and trained for three years (36 months) within the four years. Training, supervision, and support for the DCs to deliver the research are delivered collaboratively across the network.