Mikołaj Cześnik

Mikołaj Cześnik is a sociologist and political scientist. His research interests include public opinion and citizen voting preferences. He specialises in the analysis of political systems, especially democracy, and frequently comments on political issues in the media. He is a member of Polskie Generalne Studium Wyborcze [Polish General Election Study], a pioneer Polish initiative, which aims to systematically and scientifically record and analyse the process and the results of parliamentary elections in Poland. He co-authored a book on Demokracja - gospodarka - polityka. Perspektywa polskiego wyborcy. [Democracy – economy – politics. The Perspective of a Polish Voter] and authored numerous publications in academic journals. He was a Principal Investigator of a research project Wiedza polityczna w Polsce [Political Knowledge in Poland]. At SWPS University, he teaches political science with the focus on research in the area of politics and democracy.

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